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Meet Our Team at Nexus Heals™️

Becky Auer

Co-Founder of Nexus Heals, The Medical Healing Company

While she is an impressive businesswoman, Becky also has a heart for helping others suffering from medical conditions.

Her youngest daughter was born with cystic fibrosis.  Raising a child with a terrible disease and spending thousands of hours (most Holidays, Birthdays, School Days) in hospital rooms has made Becky a crusader for exceptional Patient care and extending Patient kindness.

Her incredible marketing skills helped her raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Western Pennsylvania, where she is an active Board Member.

Becky has more than 28-years of experience as an entrepreneur.  She’s started 3 super successful businesses.

As the principal founder of Nexus Heals, Becky set the Nexus Heals mission:  “To be revered as having the medical industry’s best Patient care experience delivered by the greatest staff in the world!” and she will not rest until that mission is reached.

As you can easily see, this determination to take care of all her Nexus Heals’ Patients has been forged from her personal journey and heartbreak caring for her child.  As anyone in need of medical care knows you also must navigate the complexities the healthcare insurance companies throw at you when you need treatment.

Nexus Heals is Becky’s chance to do her part to elevate Patient care.  Becky promises that if Nexus Heals can serve you, you will be served as if you are the most important person, with the most important medical needs, in the world.  Because to Becky and her staff, you are.

Heidi Hurter Nexus Heals

Heidi Hurter

Nurse Practitioner

With 10-years of experience in hands-on Nursing, Heidi Hurter is a dynamic leader.

She’s also a bright light to every one of our Nexus Heals Medical Guests (aka Patients) she encounters.

Heidi has a contagious energy that boosts the morale of colleagues and Patients alike.  Her ultimate goal as your Nurse Practitioner is to help you feel better so she can see a smile on your face!

This is not personal bio gibberish.  Heidi truly lives to see her Patients smile and thrive.

On top of her positivity, Heidi brings superior accuracy in Patient history, charting, and other aspects of the behind-the-scenes Patient experience.

This attention to detail and medical accuracy helps her advocate on behalf of her Patient’s needs when she is speaking to Medicare or insurance companies.

With the nickname “Sunshine” you can bet Heidi will be a welcome sight during your time under her care.  She is a great example of what makes Nexus Heals a caring medical clinic.

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